MSHA Training

Anyone working on an MSHA Mine Site needs to be trained. Be careful… Some people think that if you are a truck driver you don’t need MSHA training. That may be true if you do not get out of your truck to load yourself on an active mine site. Even the porta potty vendor may need MSHA training if they are working in an area of mining hazards, or onsite for frequent or extended periods. United Safety Solutions is fair and honest, if you do not need the training we will tell you! If we are not sure, we will find out!

Introduction to the work environment (Mine Tour)

New Miners need to complete their training with an Introduction to the work environment. New Miners are not able to work on a mine site until this is completed. The mine tour will be done every 4th Friday of the month in the Rhinelander area. Call the office (715) 337-2722 and ask for Sherri to get on the schedule.

Whatever your learning preference or schedule requirements, USS has the training methods to accommodate your needs.

Private company classes are not listed on our website

Our Certified Instructors will train you using any of the methods listed below, the choice is yours 

In-Person Led Training Options

  1. Public Classes: United Safety Solutions picks the date and sets up the entire venue. If that location and date fits your schedule, click that date to sign up and pay for your class.  Cost for a public class is listed on that date. Prices vary due to the charges set by the location.
  2. Private Classes: This is a date your company has chosen and will set the venue. These classes are for employees only.
  3. Sponsored by Classes: This class is set up by a company that will allow others to join their training. We will provide a number for you to call and see if they have available seats and what their prices are. You will register with that company.
  4. USS MSHA/NTC Classes: You will need to call an NTC campus to find out when those sessions are held.
  5. Live Zoom Classes: You set the venue and bring in all of your employees and we interact with each other through zoom, connected to a big screen. We also can give each of your employees a link through email to join our live session right from their location. They need a laptop with a camera and good internet connection for this. –

    Give the office a call if you are interested in this type of training.

    We also offer the live zoom classes to Spanish speaking Part 46 New Miners and Refreshers. This class is taught live with our Instructor Orlando!

Online – Learning Management System (LMS)

(This is a pre-recorded session)

Our LMS allows you to choose the training you need, sign up, and complete the training on your own. This option provides you up to 2 weeks to complete your registered course requirements.  You are able to “come and go” as needed within that time frame, which often meets the needs of busy schedules, as most trainings we offer you can train 24/7 (with the exception below)

Special Requirements for MSHA 48b 

MSHA Part 48b online training REQUIRES that when training you are visible by an MSHA approved instructor. We accomplish this by using our online training windows on Zoom. Therefore, devices with operational cameras are required. You will schedule your attendance date during the course order process 

How do I get my certificate?

After you have completed your training, you, and/or the person specified will have access to download your MSHA Compliant training certificate, Instantly! 

Our LMS system fills everything out on this end for you according to your order, you print and sign with appropriate signatures in the appropriate spots. Just like in our instructor led classes! 

MSHA Facts

  • Part 46 New Miner and Refresher

MSHA Requires all New Miners working on a Mine Site site after October 2nd of 2000 to have 24 hours of New Miner Training. Then an 8 hour annual Refresher course by the last day of the month you were previously trained in.

An Inspector will want to see your Company training plan, Task Training Sheets, Your Part 46 Training Certificate just to name a few. ( part 46 people have until the end of the day to provide this information to MSHA or until Monday if you were asked for it on a Friday) It is always easier to have this information with you!

  • Part 48b New Miner and Refresher

MSHA Requires all new miners working on a mine site after February 3, 1999 to have 24 hours of New Miner Training. Then an 8 hour Refresher course by the last day of the month you were previously trained in. All New Miners are required to complete a “physical” mine tour, provided by a certified/approved MSHA instructor.

An Inspector will want to see your Part 48b MSHA Approved Training Plan and your 5000-23 certificate. (You must have these on site with you if you are a part 48b person)

For more answers to Training Regulations, you will find them on MSHA’s Website Here MSHA CFR

Or feel free to call the office and talk to Sherri, If there is a question you have and she can not answer it, she knows who can!

What to expect when you partner with USS for Part 48b and Part 46 New Miner and Refresher Training:
  • Training that is up to date and kept current with the changing regulations and mandates.
  • Training that covers all of the required topics in a format that is engaging.
  • Topics that can be customized to fit your business and its needs.
  • Instructors that are knowledgeable and fun to work with.
  • A company that can extend its services beyond training to keep you compliant.
  • A company that will work after hours to make sure you have the proper documents when needed.
  • A company that has an extended list of contacts to help you with anything you need.

Signage, Equipment, Lawyers, Insurance needs, etc. …